Harrington, Wanda
Alice 1908-1929
Wanda A.
Harrington Dies At New York Hospital
New Lisbon, April 24---A gloom of sorrow was cast over New Lisbon
Monday morning when it became known that Wanda Alice Harrington had
passed away in the New york City hospital at noon Sunday after a few
days illness with pneumonia.
About three weeks ago she went to visit friends in New York. Her
parents received a telegram Saturday afternoon, saying she was in
critical condition. Mrs. Harrington left for New York Sunday
morning, but was unable to reach there before she passed away.
Wanda Alice Harrington was the eldest child of Arthur and Ida
Gardner Harrington, and was born in the town of New Lisbon, January
14, 1908, where her entire life has been passed.
A kind winsome girl, always with a bright smile and cheery word
for everyone, she made lasting friends where-ever she went.
Her death not only brings deep sorrow to the family but a wide
circle of dear friends both old and young, as she was beloved by all.
A consistent member of the Methodist church since a small child,
also of the Epworth league. The body was brought to Gates'
undertaking parlors at Edmeston, Tuesday morning. The funeral will
be held in the Methodist church at Garrattsville, Thursday afternoon,
at 2 o'clock, Rev. R. L. Cornell officiating. Interment will be in
Union cemetery at Edmeston.
Besides her parents she is survived by a brother, Kenneth
Harrington, one sister, Dorothy, her grandmother, Mrs. Lillian
Gardner, all who resided at the family home and several aunts, uncles
and cousins. Heartfelt sympathy is given to the sorrowing family.
Attend Funeral of Wanda Harrington
New Lisbon, April 28----The funeral of Wanda A. Harrington which
was held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Methodist church was
largely attended by relatives and friends, the church being filled.
The many beautiful flowers which covered the casket gave evidence of
the love and esteem in which the deceased was held.
The service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. L. Cornell,
assisted by Rev. C. J. Calhoun of the Presbyterian. Interment was in
Union cemetery at Edmeston. The bearers were James Stanhouse,
Harold Rose, Clyde Miller, and Hal Smith, members of the Epworth
Friends from distance, who attended the funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dibble and daughter of Richfield Springs, J. Edward Lunn,
Howard Lunn and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dockstader of Oneonta.
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