Sunday, April 8, 2012

Robinson, Rosa 1861-1886 Buffalo, Iowa Obituary

Robinson, Rosa 1861-1886

Death of Miss Robinson

Buffalo, Iowa, Feb. 24, 1886.

One of the saddest deaths that ever occurred in Muscatine county took place Friday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Montpelier. Their daughter Rosa, who had been suffering from lung trouble for some three weeks, closed her eyes in death.
Sunday the remains were taken to the Methodist church in Blue Grass, where the Rev. Pugh delivered a most appropriate and touching sermon, his text being Job, 24th chap. 15 and 16th verses:
All flesh shall perish together and man shall turn again to dust; if thou hast understanding hear this; harken to the voice of my words: The church which is a very large one, was crowded, for Miss Rosa was born near Blue Grass, Aug. 21, 1861, and attended school in the neighborhood till her 16th year when her parents moved to the Captain Morehouse farm on the river.
At the conclusion of his address, Rev. Pugh gave a brief synopsis of this noble lady's life and few eyes there were, that were not filled with tears and fewer hearts that did not beat responsive to the grief of those who knew her best. It was heartrending to witness the father, sister and brother take the last glance at Rosa's sweet face. Poor Mrs. Robinson was unable to accompany the remains, and it was like tearing her heart out to give her affectionate daughter a last kiss and say good bye Rosa.
The writer of this was her teacher for several years, and knew her to be a pure, noble minded, and an industrious lady, loving and living in noble things. Her culture and sweet christian spirit redeemed from all selfishness made the dear girl a most promising and christian lady.
She connected with the Baptist church, at Blue Grass, in 1873 and was always a devout member, never, omitting the daily reading of her Bible no matter how wearied she was at the end of her day's labor.
She was surrounded by all that makes life pleasant, for her parents are in good circumstances and took a pride in making home “the dearest place on earth.”
The pall bearers were: Samuel Morehead, Leslie Wagner, Jno. Nugent, Ed. Smurr, Rob. Nugent and C. Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. extend their thanks to all the kind friends and lent their assistance in this sore affection.

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