Sunday, April 8, 2012

Funeral--Robinson, Rosa 1886 Buffalo, Iowa

Robinson, Rosa Funeral 1886


The funeral of Miss Rosa Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, of Montpelier, who died Friday evening last, took place on Sunday last, the services being held in the Methodist church in Blue Grass. The Rev. Mr. Pugh officiated and delivered a touching and appropriate discourse. The church was crowded with people, for Miss Rosa was born and reared in the neighborhood, was handsome, talented, cultured, and endowed with graces of character which endeared her to all who knew her. She was in her 25th year—born August 21, 1861. Her parents lived in the neighborhood until her 16th year, when the family moved to the Morehouse farm on the river. The whole community mourns her departure. The ailment was lung trouble, which afficted her about three weeks. The pall-bearers on Sunday, were Samuel Morehead, Robert Nugent, Leslie Wagner, Edward Smurr, John Nugent, C. Myers, Ernest Smurr, and F. Henderson. The bereaved family thank the many kind friends for their assistance and sympathy in this time of affliction.

Rosa's mother was the former Phoebe Catherine Boice, daughter of Jacob and Mary Winchell Boice of Tompkins, Delaware County, NY near Walton, NY.  Two of their daughters married and moved to Iowa.  Their other daughter to move out there was Rebecca Eliza who married John C. Henderson. 

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