Monday, July 30, 2012

Fulller, Dr. John D., Makes First Solo Flight 1929

Fulller, Dr. John D., Makes First Solo Flight 1929

Dr. Fuller of Cooperstown
Makes first Solo Flight

Dr. John D. Fuller, resident pediatrician at the Mary Imogene Bassett hospital at Cooperstown, made his first solo flight late Saturday afternoon at the Keyes Oneonta airport in the plane of the Oneonta flying club, of which Dr. Fuller is a member. He had received six hours and 22 minutes of instruction time in the air from Pilot Carlton J. Hinman, manager of the field.
Dr. Fuller started his instruction October 28.

Gregory, Elizabeth 1931 Honored at Washington Jr. College

Gregory, Elizabeth 1931 Honored at Washington Jr. College

Unadilla Girl Honored at
Washington Junior College

Unadilla, May 27---Miss Elizabeth Gregory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Gregory of Unadilla, on June 2 will graduate as a college junior from the National Cathedral School for Girls of Washington, D. C.
Miss Gregory has been honored by the school at this commencement time. The permanent members of the student council and the faculty choose each year seven young ladies who stand first in scholarship and general ability to represent the school body at the commencement exercises. Miss Gregory has earned the honor to be one of the seven to participate this year. She will have the honor to be crucifer at the baccalaureate exercises which will be held in the Bethlehem chapel in the National Cathedral.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hartwick Fire Destroys Filling Station, Grocery, Home 1931

Hartwick Fire Destroys Filling Station, Grocery, Home 1931

Fire Destroys Filling Station, Grocery, Home

Hartwick Blaze Thought Started by Spark
From Electric Pump---Loss $2,500
Without Insurance

Hartwick, May 31---A fire that broke out at 6:20 p. m., Friday, at the Texaco filling station operated by G. A. Bresee, at the west side of the village, completely destroyed the one-story frame bungalow in which the filling station, grocery store and residence of Mr. Bresee were located.
For a time the fire, which burned fiercely for about three quarters of an hour, threatened to spread to nearby buildings, and the roof of one of them, a large hotel that is being remodeled into a garage, did catch fire. The blaze was soon extinguished, however, by the Hartwick and Cooperstown fire departments, which had been summoned to the scene as soon as the fire broke out.
It is thought that the fire was started by a spark from the electric gasoline pump. A Texaco truck was filling the tank when an explosion occurred and before any headway could be made in combatting the blaze it was beyond control. Oil and gasoline in the vicinity of the building fed the flames, which burned so rapidly that Mr. Bresee, his wife, and their 21-year-old son, Floyd, were unable to save any of the property from the house.
There was no insurance on the building or its contents, it was reported tonight, and the loss was estimated at $2,500. The Bresee family is at present staying at the hotel mentioned above, which is owned by Mr. Bresee. They have not yet announced any plans for the future.

Rev. F. G. Leonard of Universalist Church Recognized 1930

Leonard, Rev. F. G. of Universalist Church Recognized 1930

Has Served Morris Church
For 30 Years

Record of Rev. F. G. Leonard
of Universalist Church
There Recognized in
State Organ

Thirty years of consecutive service to the first Universalist church of Morris on the part of Rev. F. G. Leonard is recognized fittingly in the current issue of the “Empire State Universalist,” monthly publication of the churches of the New york state convention of that denomination
The following excerpts from that tribute necessarily considerably abbreviated, will be of interest not only to the many friends of Mr. Leonard, but as well to those interested in rural churches.
When Dr. Thomas Guthrie looked down on a part of the most squalid, abandoned, vicious districts of Edenburgh, he exclaimed, 'A beautiful field!' He saw the dire need of Christ in those cursed lives. Dr. Guthrie, one of the first ministers of “The Church of Scotland, Free,” felt the immediacy of his call to meet the needs of these poor benighted souls. He served them gloriously.

Pastors Love their Rural Fields

Fortunately the small towns can boast of great ministers who refused to be lured to the city. These men have regarded the village as a beautiful field in which to labor in the name of the Christ. They can so portray the advantages of their field over against the disadvantages of the large city pastorate that the great city ministers really wonders if he has made any lasting impression on the multitude whom he calls his fellow-citizens. Like Dr. Grenfell of Labrador, the useful rural minister can say, 'Don't pity me; I love my work.' Having dedicated his life to a beautiful field, he cannot be separated from it.
The rural minister faces a small salary, a small constituency, a small congregation, a small church school in small town life.”

Minister Is Everyday Factor

Everybody knows the minister in a small town. Everybody knows where he lives and how he lives. He is not an invisible, incomprehensible person exposed to a select group of admirers only on Sundays. He is an everyday factor, gripping the lives of his fellow townsmen and that means more than merely touching them. He knows people and they know him. When this familiarity generates increasing respect, as the years run into the twenties and thirties, you must recognize that man as an outstanding success in the ministry. He is a success because he is indispensable and cannot be replaced. He moves in the town even when his body is under the sod.”
On May 1, 1929, Rev. Fred G. Leonard completed thirty years of service as pastor of the First Universalist church in Morris. Thirty years he has labored as a Christian friend in this town of 600 persons, and to him it has been always a beautiful field. He confesses that he has labored among some of the best people that the sun ever shone upon.
This man began life in East Eddington, Me., on January9, 1862. His parents were Universalists in the day of theological conflicts and they knew just why they were Universalists.
Rev. Leonard in Morris Since 1899

He was ordained to the Universalist ministry in 1893 with his first pastorate in the Universalist church of Huntingville, Quebec. He served this church for three years and then accepted the call to the Universalist church in Southold, L. I. This was also a three years' pastorate, and then came the invitation to Morris, where he began his work on May 1, 1899.
Morris has four churches and as minsters have come and gone, Mr Leonard has remained, always ready to sponsor any worthy cause in the village. Naturally his congregations could not be large but nevertheless he has the respect and affection of every church and person. That accomplishment is real wealth for any man. For the past ten years, his salary has been $600 per year. For the previous 20 years, it was $500 per year. The church does not possess a parsonage.”
In speaking of his work, Mr. Leonard said:
My greatest joy has come through the assurance which I have received from saddened people that I have brought them comfort in the hours of sorrow and have with the help of God cleared away the doubts that have beset them when they have watched the operations of man or contemplated some of the mysterious workings of providence. More often we sow the seed and have to trust for the future.”
I know no special key to rural success. Keep hard at it. Give the people the best you have. Drive home the practical, uplifting ideals of our faith. Strive constantly to enthuse to exalt.”

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Change in Mail Service on
Morris-West Winfield Route

Beginning June 1, One Driver Will
Double Route Daily

New Lisbon, May 11 – The time of delivering mail on the Morris-West Winfield stage route will be changed beginning June 1. For many years the stage running between the two places has had two drivers, one leaving Morris in the morning, the other leaving Winfield about the same time, meeting at Burlington Flats about noon and returning in the afternoon. The present driver, Jay Thayer, will move to West Winfield and operate the entire route. He will leave West Winfield at 9:15 a. m., arriving at Morris about 11:30 a. m. Returning he will leave Morris at 12:30 p. m. He regrets that the change necessitates moving from the Butternut Valley.


2 Million Chinese Die
Of Famine in Few Months

Peiping,China, Jan. 13 (AP). ---The China International famine relief is confronting the most hopeless situation it has ever faced in famine-ridden China in the Northern province of Shensi, where thousands of people are dying from famine and exposure.
Grover Clark, a former Peiping newspaper editor, returning from a six-week inspection trip in the Wei river district, declared today that 2,000,000 people out of 6,000,000 in the area, died during the past eight months. Thousands were frozen to death during the recent cold wave when, with the thermometer at 32 below, Shensi province suffered the coldest weather recorded in its history. The people, accustomed to a minimun temperature of 15 above for more than 49 years, were caught unprepared.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ackerman, Curtis C. wed to Mabel E. Parker 1930 Edmeston, NY

Ackerman, Curtis C. wed to Mabel E. Parker 1930 Edmeston, NY

Edmeston Girl Married
To West Burlington Man

Miss Mabel E. Parker and Curtis C. Ackerman
Are Wed at Home of Bride's Parents by Rev. Winchorn

Edmeston, Jul 15 (Special)--- Miss Mabel E. Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Parker of Edmeston, and Curtis C. Ackerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ackerman of West Burlington, were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents.
Miss Iva Welch, of Port Jervis, a Normal school classmate of the bride, presided at the piano, playing the Lohengrin wedding march as the bridal party entered the room, which was prettily decorated with a profusion of flowers.
The bride was charming in a gown of maise chiffon with hat and shoes to match. She carried a shower bouquet of yellow and white roses caught with orange blossoms. The bride was given in marriage by her father.
The bridesmaid, Miss Grace Parker, a sister of the bride, wore a gown of blue georgette and carried an arm bouquet of sweet peas. The best man was Giles Nicholes of Ithaca.
Following the ceremony the bridal party with relatives and immediate friends returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a reception and wedding dinner was held.
The bride is a native of Edmeston and is a graduate of the Edmeston High school. For the past two years, she has been attending the Oneonta Normal school, after previously teaching for two years in the Burlington school districts. The groom is a graduate of the Port Jervis High school and also attended Rutgers university. He is now engaged in the occupation of farming on his father's farm at West Burlington.
After a short wedding journey to New York and Atlantic City, the couple will return to make their future home in West Burlington. The bride wore a traveling suit with hat and shoes to match as her going-away outfit.
The couple are very popular and the younger set of their community and their many friends extend to them congratulations and best wishes

Bundy, Louisa (Wallace) 1838-1923 Welcome Obituary

Bundy, Louisa (Wallace) 1838-1923 Welcome Obituary

On Tuesday, May 1st, at her home in Welcome, occurred the death of Mrs. Louisa Bundy, aged 85 years. The funeral was held there Thursday at 2 p. m., the Rev. E. Neuer officiating. Interment at Hillington, Morris. Mrs. Bundy, whose maiden name was Wallace, was born at Morris, December 19, 1838. In 1862, she was married to Elon Bundy. The marriage ceremony was performed by the late Bishop Tuttle, they being the first couple he ever married. A number of years ago Mrs. Bundy was elected life president of the Foreign Missionary Society of this place. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Owen, of Batavia, who has been with her for several months, during her last illness, also several nephews and nieces, among them, Alice Dennis of Buffalo, John and George Davis, and Imogene Gregory and Jennie Harrington of this place ..." ["The Otsego Farmer & Republican" (Cooperstown, NY), May 11, 1923, p. 7]

Campbell, Lillis Young 1910-1930 Cooperstown Obituary

Campbell, Lillis Young 1910-1930 Cooperstown Obituary

Mrs. Charles Campbell Dies
After Six Months' Illness

Cooperstown, Feb.12---Mrs. Lillis Young Campbell, 20 years old, wife of Charles Campbell of Cooperstown, died Wednesday in the Otsego county sanitorium at Mt. Vision, where she had been a patient during the past six months. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Christ church here. Rev. Leonard W. Steele of Schenevus will officiate. Interment will be in the Fly Creek cemetery.
Mrs. Campbell was the daughter of Charles O. Young and the late Minnie (Hicks) Young, and she was born in Lancaster, N. H., in 1910. With her parents she came to Cooperstown to reside two years ago. She was married, in August, 1929, to Charles Campbell, who survives with an infant son, Jason Young Campbell. She is also survived by her father, Charles O. Young, and two brothers, Garwood and John Young, all of Fly Creek.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dickson, Agnes A 1877-1930 Unadilla Obituary

Dickson, Agnes A 1877-1930 Unadilla Obituary

Mrs. Agnes A. Dickson Dies
In Operation at Bainbridge

Wife of County Supervisor of Unadilla
Taught for Many Year in Training
School and Was Active in Many
Civic Affairs

Unadilla, July 16---The death of Mrs. Agnes A. Dickson of Unadilla, wife of county supervisor, William Dickson, occurred Wednesday noon at the Bainbridge hospital. For some time she has been in failing health and a resort to surgery for an internal goitre was finally made, but a weakened heart could not sustain her and she died during the operation.
Mrs. Dickson was born in Andes, June 18, 1877, the daughter of Thomas M. and Mary Spiers. She was graduated from the Andes High school and the Oneonta Normal. In securing her training she also spent summers at Cornell university and the Albany Teachers' college. Her services as a teacher have covered a period of 30 years. Five years more of teaching would have entitled her to the State Teacher pension.
During recent years she had been the teacher of the teacher's training class of this village, For the past 20 years, Mrs. Dickson and Mr. Dickson, to whom she was married in 1904, have made their home here. During this time Mrs. Dickson has been very active in many affairs. She was one of the loyal members of the Eastern Star. Most faithfully and efficiently, she served as a member of the federated board and superintendent of the Bible school of the Federated church, of which she was a member.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Dickson is survived by a sister, Mrs. D. W. Koulton, of Walton; three brothers, Charles M. Stiers of Andes; Carlton Stiers of Tuxedo; Frank Stiers of Easton, Pa,; the sister, Mrs. D. W. Koulton, of Walton, is touring through the west with her family.
The funeral service will be conducted at the home on Watson street, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. John T. Lyon, pastor of the Federated church, will officiate. Burial will be made in the family plot in the Andes cemetery.
Mrs. Dickson will be remembered for her courage, her devotion to her home; and her determination to accomplish the work at hand; her faithfulness and genial personality. It is impossible to reckon the lives she has influenced for good and for closer attention to the realities of life. A host of friends extend their sympathy to Mr. Dickson and the relatives.

Dow, Arthur Clayton wed to Lucy Smith 1931 Cooperstown

Dow, Arthur Clayton wed to Lucy Smith 1931 Cooperstown

Mrs. Lucy Smith Is Wed
To Arthur Clayton Dow

Cooperstown, Jan. 2---- Arthur Clayton Dow of Fly Creek and Mrs. Lucy Smith of Cooperstown were united in marriage on Wednesday by Rev. E. C. Petrie of the First Presbyterian church of this village.
The ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eurwin Jackson, 4 South Avenue, the attending witness being Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Both the bride and bridegroom are employes of the Mary Imogene Bassett hospital.

Draper, Rosanna 1855-1932 Morris Obituary

Draper, Rosanna 1855-1932 Morris Obituary


Mrs. Rosanna Draper

Morris, Dec. 27---Rosanna Draper died on Christmas day, after an illness of almost a year. She had lived all her life in the town of Morris, where she married Curtis Draper, 56 years ago. Mrs. Draper was 77 years old.
She is survived by her husband and a daughter, Mrs. John A Daniels, both of Morris. A son Louis, died in 1904.
Mrs. Draper was a gentle Quakeress, who was a living example of the quiet Christian faith she believed in so strongly. She leaves a long, well lived life as her memorial. Those who knew her can appreciate that it is the most appropriate of memorials.
The funeral services, which were private, were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Daniels of West street, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Dr. C. E. Vermilya of the Methodist Episcopal church and Rev. E. E. Hutchinson of Zion church. Interment was made in Hillington cemetery.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Edson, Elizabeth A. 1877-1931 Laurens Obituary

Edson, Elizabeth A. 1877-1931 Laurens Obituary

Mrs. H. Edson, Long Time Resident of Laurens, Dies

Pneumonia Attack Fatal to Well Known and
Popular Member of Community
Lived in Laurens 30 Years

Laurens, Feb. 13---Mrs. Harry Edson died at her home Friday morning at 4:30, following a 10-day illness with pneumonia.
The funeral services, which will be private, will be held on Sunday at 2 p. m. from her late home. Rev. R. A. Tennies, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will officiate, and burial will be made in the Laurens cemetery. Friends may pay their last respects Sunday between 12 and 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Edson was born December 5, 1877, in the town of Hartwick, the daughter of Milton and Sarah (Pashley) Richards, and her young girlhood was passed there.
She was united in marriage on March 27, 1898, to Harry Edson of this village, and with the exception of two years, their entire married life was spent here where she made a host of friends who loved her for her many endearing qualities and true womanliness.
In young girlhood, she was baptized in the Methodist Episcopal church in Hartwick of which she was a member. While living in Laurens, she attended the Presbyterian church.
She was a loyal worker in the Laurens Cemetery association, holding the office of trustee for several years past. Her chief interest centered in her home, and she will be greatly missed by her helpmate. Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Clifford L. Edson, residing in Mt. Vision; by five sisters; Mrs. Ida Tanner of Laurens, Mrs. John Elliott, Mrs. Sarah Rydberg and Mrs. S. C. Bouton, all of Oneonta, and Mrs. Harry Miller of Alplaus, and several nephews and nieces.
The sympathy of all is extended to the bereaved family.

Mrs. Edson's Funeral at Laurens Largely Attended

Laurens, Feb. 15---Private funeral services for Mrs. Harry Edson were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home and were largely attended by many relatives. Many friends visited the home before the services to pay their last respects to one universally loved and respected. Rev. R. A. Tennies, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Laurens, officiated. Burial was in the family plot of the Laurens cemetery.
The bearers were: George Butler, Card Edson, Ralph Edson, Barton Clark, Claude Richards, and Clarence Smith.
A large profusion of flowers gave mute testimony to the high esteem with which the deceased was held. Besides the flowers sent by relatives and friends, four pieces were sent from the A. & P. management, including a floral tribute from employes in Oneonta, and also one tribute

from the Ladies' Aid society of the Laurens Presbyterian church.
Relatives for the services were present from Schenectady, Althus, Whitesboro, Binghamton, Cooperstown, Oneonta, Hartwick, Gilbertsville, and Unadilla.

Comment: No where in her obituary did it give her first name. I checked via and found the family on census reports. Her first name was Elizabeth with a middle initial of A. They had one son Clifford Lewis Edson 1900-1972. Her husband Harry died 1943. Clifford also had a son Clifford G.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Eldred, Walter wed to Dorothy Loucks Laurens 1930

Eldred, Walter wed to Dorothy Loucks Laurens 1930


Miss Dorothy Loucks of Otego and Walter Eldred of Laurens were married at 9 o'clock last evening in the First Baptist parsonage, Dr. E. J. Farley performing the ceremony. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wright of West Oneonta. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred will reside at Laurens, where the bridegroom is engaged in operating a farm.

Elliott, Lydia E. (Bemiss) 1864-1931 Morris Obituary

Elliott, Lydia E. (Bemiss) 1864-1931 Morris Obituary

Life-Long Morris Resident

Mrs. Lydia E. Bemiss Elliott Dies Thursday
Funeral Services Sunday

Morris, Feb. 6---Mrs. Lydia E. (Bemiss) Elliott, daughter of Thompson and Mary Bemiss, died at her home on Grove street, this village, Thursday of this week after one week's illness. The funeral services will be held at her late home on Sunday, February 8, at 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. Elliott was born in this township March 7, 1864, and had always resided in this township. She is survived by two sons, George Elliott of Carbondale, Pa., and Dean Elliott of this place, also by one daughter, Mrs. Lee Colburn, and three grandchildren, and by a brother and sister, John Bemiss and Cynthia Angel, both of Morris. Many friends in village and vicinity will deeply deplore her death.
Funeral of Mrs. Elliott
Many friends and relatives gathered Sunday afternoon to pay their last respects to the late Lydia Elliott, whose funeral was held at her home on Grove street. The bearers were Fred Davis, Ara Sprague, Louis K. Myers, Bert Leska, Frank Coyle and David Hilsinger. Many beautiful flowers were sent showing the esteem in which Mrs. Elliott was held. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Those from out of town: George Elliott of Carbondale, Pa., John Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Melvin of Sidney, Orley Gregory and son Frank of New Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fitch of West Oneonta, Lucy Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Skellie of Mt. Vision.

Ellis, Richmond weds Guida Fuller 1930 Hartwick

Ellis, Richmond weds Guida Fuller 1930 Hartwick

Miss Guida Fuller Weds Richmond Ellis, Bainbridge

Hartwick, Dec. 31---A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Flora Fuller on North street, Hartwick, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when her daughter, Miss Guida Fuller, was united in marriage to Richmond Ellis of Bainbridge.
The bride wore wine colored velvet. They were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Mildred Fuller and Prentiss Brown, both of Hartwick. Rev. George E. Youngs, the bride's pastor, performed the ceremony.
A wedding luncheon was served immediately after the ceremony. The table was prettily decorated in yellow.

Comment: I'm not sure of the bride's first name. In the heading, it was spelled Gurda, but below that it was spelled Guida.

2/3/14  Thanks to Mrs. Ellis, I have corrected the spelling of the bride's name
to Guida.

Estes, Miss Ella 1854-1932 New Lisbon Obituary

Garrattsville Woman Dies Suddenly at Home
New Lisbon, March 18---Miss Ella Estes, 78 years old, passed away suddenly in her sleep this morning at the home of her brother-in-law, Albert Tyler of Garrattsville. Death was caused by acute indigestion, according to Dr. V. F. Bishop, coroner.
She was in her usual health early last evening and with her niece, Mrs. Minnie Tyler, spent some time visiting with friends. Upon arriving home, however, she complained of severe pains in her stomach. Her niece gave her medicine which seemed to relieve her. Miss Estes went to bed as well as usual but about 5 o'clock this morning Mrs. Tyler heard her making a strange noise. Upon investigation it was found that she had expired.
The deceased was born in the town of New Lisbon, February 3, 1854, the daughter of Wilber and Lydia (Coon) Estes. Most of her life was passed in this vicinity. Surviving is one brother, Lewis Estes of Mt. Vision, and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held from her home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. E. E. Hutchinson of Morris will officiate. Burial will take place in the Butternut Valley cemetery at Brick School House.

Estes, Willis H. 1859-1931 New Lisbon Obituary

Estes, Willis H. 1859-1931 New Lisbon Obituary

Funeral Services Held for W. H. Estes of New Lisbon

Many Attend Services Held at Home Of Niece in New Berlin
Burial in Brick Schoolhouse Cemetery

New Lisbon, Jan. 16---Willis H. Estes, a former and well known resident of New Lisbon, died at the Parshall hospital in Oneonta Monday. He had been in failing health for some time and only a few days previous entered the hospital for treatment and possibly operations.
He was born at Burlington, February 15, 1859, son of Wilbur and Lydia (Cone) Estes. When a year old his parents came to Garrattsville in which vicinity he had always made his home, until the death of his wife, five years ago, when he broke up his home and went to live with his niece, Cora Bradley, at New Berlin.
Mr. Estes was a man of unusual quiet nature, kind and considerate to every one. His most joy and comfort was in his ideal home. The body was taken to the home of his niece in New Berlin, where the funeral took place Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with Rev. E. E. Hutchinson of Morris officiating. Burial was made beside his wife in the Brick Schoolhouse cemetery.
Surviving him are two sisters, Mrs. Albert Tyler and Miss Ella Estes of Garrattsville, one brother, Lewis Estes, of Mt. Vision; one nephew, and four nieces.
The bearers were John Mitchell, Eugene Bemis, William Backus and Warren Walker.
Relatives from away who attended the funeral were Charles Brooks, Earlville; Mrs. Harold Whittmore, son and daughter, Edmeston; Mrs. Harriet Brooks and daughter, Port Henry; Earl Shultz, Binghamton; Frank Mills, Burlington; Mrs. Minnie Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler and Herbert Tyler, Cooperstown; Charles Beavin, Oneonta; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Estes, Mt. Vision; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tyler, Ella Estes, Mr. and Mrs. John Bundy and daughter, Geraldine, and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Hull, Garrattsville.

Flaesch, Charles C. ADMITTED TO US SUPREME COURT 1930rt 1930

Flaesch, Charles C. 1930 Admitted to Supreme Bench

Unadilla Lawyer to Be Admitted to
Supreme Bench

Unadilla, April 21---Mr. And Mrs. Charles C. Flaesch left Unadilla last Thursday on a motor trip to Washinton, D. C. Mr. Flaesch is to be admitted to the practice of law before the United States supreme court in Washington.
Mr. Flaesch was born in the national capital. When he entered the state of West Virginia on Saturday, left but the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas to be visited by him, of the entire United States. We congratulate him not only on his wide traveling, but the extent of his practice, and admittance to the United States supreme court.

Freeman, Richard 1863-1931 Morris Death notice

Freeman, Richard 1863-1931 Morris Death notice

Richard Freeman Dies

Morris, Feb. 6---Richard Freeman, 68, died at the home of his son-in-law, Charles Walton, here today. Death was due to bronchial pneumonia. Mr. Freeman was born in Pierstown, and his occupation was that of a woodsman. Funeral services will be held Monday at Sloan's undertaking parlors here, and the body will be placed in the local vault. Burial will be made later at Hancock.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Getman, Della (Stanton) 1878-1932 Cooperstown Obituary

Getman, Della (Stanton) 1878-1932 Cooperstown Obituary

Ill Health Causes Woman's Suicide

Mrs. Della Getman Ends Life With Shotgun
At Farm Near Cooperstown

Cooperstown, april 3---Taking advantage of the temporary absence of members of her family, Mrs. Della Getman, 54, wife of Dorr Getman, committed suicide at about 11 o'clock yesterday morning. She shot herself through the heart with a double-barrelled shotgun. She took her life in an icehouse on their farm, which is located in the town of Springfield, seven miles from Cooperstown, and about a half-mile off the main road leading from Cooperstown to Springfield Center.
When discovered by Mrs. Ella McManus, an aunt, and Fred Armstrong, a laborer on the Getman farm, she was thought to have been dead about an hour. State Police Sergeant John L. Cunningham and Trooper Razy of the Cooperstown outpost, who were called to the scene, notified Coroner Harrie V. Frink of Richfield Springs. He pronounced death due to suicidal causes, following his investigation. It is said that Mrs. Getman had declared her intention of taking her life several times during a long period of ill health.
Mr. Getman left his farm about 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning to come to Cooperstown on business. Mrs. Getman had usually accompanied him on these trips to town, but yesterday she expressed a wish to remain home. She said she did not feel as well as usual. One of her last requests as Mr. Getman left her was that he call upon her doctor in town and procure more medicine for her.
At about 11 o'clock, Armstrong, the farm hand, who had also been absent from the house on an errand to the farm of a neighbor, returned to the house. Not finding Mrs. Getman about, he went into the apartment in the Getman house occupied by Mrs. McManus to inquire if she had seen anything of her. Both began a search, and the lifeless body of Mrs. Getman was finally located in the icehouse by Mrs. McManus.
From surrounding conditions, it seemed evident to the authorities that Mrs. Getman had gone about her suicidal plans with considerable deliberation. The gun which she had used had been hidden from her by her husband some time ago. When put away it had contained no shells, it was said, but these had been found by Mrs. Getman in their hiding place on the top pantry shelf. Two shells had been taken from the box. One had evidently been discharged in order to discover if the weapon was in working order. The empty shell was found lying on the floor near her body. The other had been shot with true aim through the heart.
Her spectacles and a bonnet, which she had evidently put on when she left the house, had been taken off and carefully placed on a beam in the icehouse near where her lifeless body had fallen. Stuck into the wall beside them was also a sharp parring knife, which the authorities believed she had intended for use in case the shots did not prove fatal.
Upon the order of Coroner Frink, the body was removed to the Cooperstown funeral parlors of Brown and Tillapaugh, where the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Edward C. Petrie, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Cooperstown will officiate. Interment will be made in Lakewood Cemetery.
Mrs. Getman was Della Stanton, a daughter of the late Levi and Mary Anne (VanCourt) Stanton, and was born in the town of Springfield, March 18, 1878. Her death occurred on the fifth anniversary of the death of her father. Her marriage to Mr. Getman occurred about 35 years ago. They had lived on the farm where she died for about 17 years, moving there from Christian Hill, in Harwick township.
Surviving besides the husband are two daughters, Mrs. Herbert Tyler of Cooperstown, R. D. and Mrs. Paul McManus of Deloris, Colo. There also remain one sister, Mrs. William Hoffman of East Springfield, and two brothers, Charles Stanton of East Springfield and Newton Stanton of Pierstown; as well as four granchildren.

Knoch, Adrian Died 1931 New Lisbon death notice

Knoch, Adrian 1864-1931 New Lisbon

Adrian Knoch Dies From
Pneumonia at New Lisbon

New Lisbon, Feb. 19---The death of Adrian Knoch occurred at 6:50 o'clock Thursday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon Bundy, with whom he lived. Death was from pneumonia. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. At the funeral chapel in Union cemetery at Edmeston. Further particulars will be given later.

Funeral of Adrian Knoch at
Edmeston largely Attended

New Lisbon, Feb. 24---The funeral of Adrian Knoch, who died early Thursday morning at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bundy, was held at the funeral chapel in Union cemetery at Edmeston Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and was largely attended by friends and neighbors. Rev. E. E. Hutchinson, rector of Zion church of Morris, conducted the services.
The body was placed in the vault at the cemetery to await burial at a later date. Mr. Knoch had been ill about ten days with pneumonia.
Adrain Knoch was born in the town of Pittsfield, December 25, 1864, the son of Henry and Mary (Lull) Knoch, and was a direct descendant of Benjamin Lull, whose family was one of three families to first settle in the Butternut valley about the year 1773.
On February 11, 1885, he married Rose Chase and to them was born one daughter, Flora, who has always resided at home. Mrs. Knoch died about 15 years ago. After the death of his father a few years ago, he went to live with and care for his aged mother, whose death occurred last July. After her death he returned to his daughter's home, where he had since resided. A man of quiet, friendly disposition, he was highly respected in the community where he had lived the greater part of his life.
Besides the daughter he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Estella Hinman, of Cortland; by six grandchildren; one niece; one nephew and many cousins. He was a brother of the late Lewis Knoch of Hartwick, who died November, last.
The bearers were: Levi George, George Walter, Howard Lull, and Lester Wilson.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mansfield, Ella L. 1849-1932 Morris Obituary

Mansfield, Ella L. 1849-1932 Morris Obituary

Mrs. Ella L. Mansfield
Dies Friday in Morris

Funeral Last Sunday With Good Attendance
The Rector, Rev. E. E. Hutchinson, Officated

Morris, March 21---Morris has lost in the death of Mrs. Ella Mansfield another of the lifetime residents of the village. She passed away on Friday last after a long and trying illness, very patiently borne, at her late home after a critical illness of a few days only. She was born on the East hill in a farm home in 1849, and had always been one of our number. Bishop Tuttle baptized her and she was later confirmed by Bishop Horatio Potter of the diocese of New York.
Her husband, Vernon Mansfield, to whom she was married in 1895, died several years ago.
Her nephew, Howard Coggeshall, now of Utica, and a few other nephews and nieces, are the only ones left to mourn her passing, save a large circle of friends who have long known her. She loved her church though of late able to attend but little at the services.
The funeral was held at Zion church on Sunday last at 2 o'clock, and the attendance was all that one could expect and her flowers were beautiful pieces. Her parents were Jacob and Christine Coggeshall, both of whom died many years ago.

Matteson, Mary 1856-1931 Morris Obituary

Matteson, Mary 1856-1931 Morris Obituary

Funeral of Mrs. Matteson
To Be Held at Morris Today

Morris, Sept. 9---Mrs. Mary Matteson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. H. McWilliams, Tuesday morning about 7 o'clock after a 10-days' illness.
Mrs. Matteson, whose maiden name was Mary Carrick, was born May 31, 1856, in Colden, Erie county, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Wilson Carrick. In early life she came to Morris, where the remainder of her life was spent. She married Markus Matteson, who died about 21 years ago. To them were born six children, two of whom are deceased. Their names were William and Mabel. Those who survive them are : Mrs. G. H. McWilliams, Mrs. Lee Williams of Morris, Jessie A. Matteson of New Rochelle, and Melvin A Matteson of Buffalo.
Mrs. Matteson was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years. She was a domestic nurse.
Those surviving besides those mentioned above are one brother, Amos Carrick of Morris, also eight grandchildren.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon with prayer at the house at 1:30 o'clock at the church, Rev. C. E. Vermilya officiating.

Mickle, Frances L. 1907-1999 The Daily Star--Oneonta

Mickle, Frances L. 1907-1999 The Daily Star--Oneonta

Frances Louise Mickle

CANAJOHARIE — Mrs. Frances Louise Mickle, 91, of Canajoharie and formerly of Oneonta, died Friday morning, April 9, 1999 at St. Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam, after a brief illness.
She was born Sept. 4, 1907 in Hartwick, the daughter of Richard and Margaret (Scollard) Palmer.
She married Hilton T. Mickle on June 31, 1931 in Oneonta. Mr. Mickle died Sept. 6, 1974.
Frances was a credit manager at Bresee's Department Store, Oneonta.
She was a member of the Elm Park United Methodist Church, Oneonta, a life member of the Order of the Eastern Star No. 116 Martha Chapter of Oneonta, a member of the Oneonta Boys and Girls Club, a member of the Oneonta Lodge BPOE No. 1312 and a member of the Van Alstyne Homestead Society, Canajoharie.
She is survived by one son and daughter-in-law, Thomas and Jo-Ann Mickle of Canajoharie; four grandsons and their spouses, Christopher and Laura Mickle, Lt. Col. Douglas and Minaksi Mickle and Jeffrey and Timothy Mickle and two great-grandchildren, Sam and Alexandra.
Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 11 a.m. at the Bookhout Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oneonta with the Rev. Joseph A. Fiske, retired Methodist minister, officiating.
Burial will be in the Glenwood Cemetery, Oneonta.
At the request of Frances, there will be no calling hours.
In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy will be made to the Van Alstyne Homestead Society, Canajoharie, N.Y. 13317 or the Elm Park United Methodist Church Ladies Auxiliary, 401 Chestnut St., Oneonta, N.Y. 13820 in loving memory of Frances L. Mickle.
Funeral arrangements are by Bookhout Funeral Homes, Oneonta and Otego.

Mickle, Hilton T. wed to Frances L. Palmer 1931 at Hartwick

Mickle, Hilton T. wed to Frances L. Palmer 1931 at Hartwick

Miss Frances L. Palmer and
Hilton T. Mickle Married

The marriage of Miss Frances L. Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Palmer of Hartwick, and Hilton T. Mickle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mickle of Hartwick, was quietly solemnized yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First Baptist church, Rev. Dr. Charles S. Pendleton officiating. After a two weeks' wedding trip through Pennsylvania and Long Island Mr. and Mrs. Mickle will take up their residence at 33 High street, where the best wishes for success and happiness of many friends in Oneonta and Hartwick will attend them.
The bride wore navy blue-chiffon with black suede slippers and a blue hat. Miss Mary Telfer of Hartwick, who attended her as maid of honor, wore a black and white crepe de chine dress with black shoes and hat. Both the bride and her maid carried garden bouquets.
William Stapleton of Worcester acted as best man.
Mrs. Mickle graduated from Hartwick High school in the class of 1924, and has since that time been employed in the Hartwick post office.
Mr. Mickle has for some time been employed in the Citizens National bank here.

Miller, Mrs. Clayton Died in 1931 Morris Obituary

Miller, Mrs. Clayton Died in 1931 Morris Obituary

Mrs. Clayton Miller Passes
Away at Home in Morris

Morris, Aug. 4---Mrs. Clayton Miller of Morris, passed away Monday night at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Miller had been bed fast several months and endured great suffering much of the time.
She was a native of Pennsylvania and had been virtually an orphan during her early years. She came to Morris at the age of 12 with friends and has made her home here ever since. Her maiden name was Smith. Her parents were German.
In September of 1924 she was married to Clayton Miller. Her son by a former marriage, Wilson Lennon, and Mr. Miller's two children, Mrs. Mildred Moore and Charles, her brother, George Fisher of Morris, and Mr. Miller the husband, are the immediate relatives who survive her. For years she has been identified closely with the Methodist church of this place.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Less posts this month so far due to health problems

My progress with this blog has been delayed this month due to some health issues.  Hopefully, I will be able to get more out shortly.   Medications to keep us going and feeling well sure are appreciated in our modern age, but when the body decides those doses aren't right and start interacting.  Well, let's just say, it sure makes a misery of your life until it gets ironed out.  We are on the right road now for which I'm very grateful.  Donna

Owen, Hattie E. (Bundy) 1864-1932 Obituary

Owen, Hattie E. (Bundy) 1864-1932 Obituary

Former Morris Resident Passes Away at Batavia

Morris, Oct. 25---Mrs. Hattie E. Bundy Owen, a former resident of this village, died at her home in Batavia at 7 o'clock Friday evening following a 16 months' illness of a complication of diseases. The funeral was held at Batavia, following which the remains were brought to this village for burial beside her parents in Hillington cemetery. Rev. E. E. Hutchinson, pastor of Zion Episcopal church here, read the Episcopal committal service at the grave.
Those who came here from Batavia to attend the services were the deceased's husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hodge and a cousin, Alice E. Dennis of Buffalo.
Born in New Lisbon June 17, 1864, a daughter of Elon and Louisa (Cruttenden) Bundy, Mrs. Owen was educated at the state school for the blind at Batavia. On May 23, 1906, she married Clarence A. Owen, who survives. She was a loving mother to Mr. Owen's children by a former marriage, Mrs. Mildred (Owen) Hodge of Batavia and Harold E. Owen of Tucson, Ariz., who mourn her loss as a parent.

Comment: Louisa (Cruttenden) Bundy was the daughter of William and Phebe (Thurber) Cruttenden. William was brother to Albert and Hannah Cruttenden. All three were among the children of Jeremiah and Mary (Brooks) Cruttenden. 

Hattie's mother's obituary states her maiden name was Wallace.  Yet, Hattie's obituary states it was Cruttenden.  Will add info as find it to clarify this.  

  Bundy, Louisa (Wallace) 1838-1923 Welcome obituary

On Tuesday, May 1st, at her home in Welcome, occurred the death of Mrs. Louisa Bundy, aged 85 years. The funeral was held there Thursday at 2 p. m., the Rev. E. Neuer officiating. Interment at Hillington, Morris. Mrs. Bundy, whose maiden name was Wallace, was born at Morris, December 19, 1838. In 1862, she was married to Elon Bundy. The marriage ceremony was performed by the late Bishop Tuttle, they being the first couple he ever married. A number of years ago Mrs. Bundy was elected life president of the Foreign Missionary Society of this place. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Owen, of Batavia, who has been with her for several months, during her last illness, also several nephews and nieces, among them, Alice Dennis of Buffalo, John and George Davis, and Imogene Gregory and Jennie Harrington of this place ..." ["The Otsego Farmer & Republican" (Cooperstown, NY), May 11, 1923, p. 7] 

Perry, Marcy 1908-1931 North Sanford Obituary

Perry, Marcy 1908-1931 Obituary

Funeral of Marcy Perry
At North Sanford, Sunday

Harpursville, Man Killed in Accident---
Was Former Resident of Oneonta---
Many Relatives Living Here

Funeral services for Marcy Perry, who was killed Thursday near Port Crane by a section of sluice pipe that rolled on him from a truck and trailer, will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church at North Sandford. The body was removed to the Colwell Brothers' undertaking parlors at Bainbridge, where it will remain until Sunday morning.
Mr. Perry was born in the town of Otego, May 7, 1908, and spent most of his life in or near Oneonta. He was married three years ago to Miss Bernice Daugherty of North Sanford, and they took up their residence in that village. About one month ago they moved to Harpursville, where he went to work on state highway route number seven. It was while he was employed on this job that the fatal accident occurred. During his residence in Oneonta he worked for the D. & H. railroad, and also as a truck driver. He had likewise had some experience in farming.
His death occurred six weeks and four days after his sister, Mrs. Nellie Bouton, wife of Arthur Bouton of this city, was killed in an automobile accident on the Mill Creek road.
Mrs. Perry and their two-year-old son, Leal, survive him, as does his mother, Mrs. Armenia Perry, of Mill Creek. There are also nine brothers and sisters: Josiah Perry, Mill Creek; Mrs. Glenn Ferguson, Oneonta; Mrs. William West, Binghamton; Raymond and Squire Perry, Oneonta, John and Clayton Perry, Mill Creek; Mrs. Harper Richardson, Oneonta, and Miss Rose Perry, Binghamton. There are also a number of nieces and nephews.

Funeral of Marcy Perry Is Held at North Sandford

The funeral of Marcy Perry, which was held yesterday afternoon in the Methodist Episcopal church at North Sanford, was attended by a large number of friends and relatives, including many from Oneonta and vicinity. Among the floral tributes received were pieces from Owen P. Williams Construction company, the Women's Benefit association of Oneonta, and the D. & H. Craft of Carmen.
Persons from this locality who attended the service included: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ferguson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Perry, Arthur Bouton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Zey, Mr. and Mrs. William Bart, Mrs. Nora Perry, Clyde Woodard, Mrs. Alton Perry, Mrs. Jeannette Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry of Oneonta; Mrs. Armenia Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Perry, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, and Josiah Perry of Mill Creek. Among the others present were Miss Rose Perry and Miss Juanita Crapin of Binghamton; and George Crawford and son of Boston.

Pierce, LaVerne F. wed to Nancy Coleman 1932 Morris, NY

Pierce, LaVerne F. wed to Nancy Coleman 1932 Morris, NY

Miss Nancy Coleman the Bride of LaVerne F. Pierce

Estimable Couple Now on Honeymoon Trip in Canada
To Reside at 296 Chestnut Street

Laverne Frank Pierce of 59 Gilbert street and Miss Nancy Amanda Coleman of 38 Academy street were quietly married Monday forenoon at 11 o'clock at the Universalist church at Morris by Rev. Frederick G. Leonard, pastor of that church, and personal friend of both bride and groom. They were attended by Mrs. Clarence Michaels and Paul Pierce, sister and brother of the groom. The single ring service was used. The bride was becomingly attired in traveling suit of copper brown Romaine crepe with hat and pumps to match.
The bride is a graduate of the Oneonta High school class of '24 and of Lowell school at Binghamton class of '26. For the past six years she has been a valued employe in a responsible position with The Daily Star. She is a superior young woman, abounding in graces of mind and heart. The groom also attended the Oneonta High school. He is salesman with the Oneonta office of the Singer Sewing Machine company. He is well known in musical circles, having been for the past 12 years, bass soloist in the quartet of the first Presbyterian church of this city, in which position he is highly prized. Both have many friends whose best wishes will be extended, among them being all her associates at The Star office.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are away on a honeymoon trip to Montreal and Quebec, returning from which they will reside at 296 Chestnut street, where a newly furnished apartment awaits their coming.

Place, Mrs. Leonard Place 1868-1932 Morris Obituary

Place, Mrs. Leonard Place 1868-1932 Morris Obituary

Mrs. Leonard Place Of Morris Passes Away

Morris, Aug. 10---Mrs. Leonard Place, whose home was on the Norwich road near Morris, died Sunday morning, August 7, at 1 o'clock. For nearly 30 years Mrs. Place had suffered from mental malady which was a source of great discomfort to her and sorrow to her loved ones who
patiently ministered to her through the years. Mrs. Place was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Dilworth and was born in Morris, September 3, 1868. She was united in marriage with Leonard Place, September 3, 1886. They were married in Otego and there established their first home. Later Mr. Place took up the work of boiler making and their place of residence was several times changed. Some 25 years ago they purchased the farm on which they lived at her death.
The one son Leslie Dudlow who was born to this home, died in his early manhood, leaving a wife and three children. These children, Ina Myrtle, Ivan and Eunice, were to a large extent mothered by the deceased as best she could and they think of her as a mother. It should be said that their own mother, who is now Mrs. Summerville, has also been as a real daughter to her husband's people. She with the children and the bereft husband comprise those who bear the heavier sorrow in this separation.
The funeral was held from the house at 2 o'clock Tuesday. Rev. C. E. Vermilya, pastor of the Methodist church, with which she was affiliated was in charge, Rev. F. H. Leonard of the Universalist church assisting. The burial was in the Morris cemetery.

PS: As you will note, no where is her first name given. Perhaps it could be found on a census report. I found the term 'mental malady' interesting.

Pudney, Andrew J. 1845-1932 Morris Obituary

Pudney, Andrew J. 1845-1932 Morris Obituary

Andrew J. Pudney Dies
Sunday at Home in Morris

Morris, Aug. 25---Andrew Jackson Pudney died Sunday morning at 10:30 at his home on Hargrave street in Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Pudney moved to Morris from their farm near New Berlin last April. Mr. Pudney had been in failing health for a long time, but able to be about, and the end came as a shock to his family.
The deceased was born in Sherburne in 1845, a son of John and Irene Pudney, and as a young man was a cheesemaker. Following his marriage to Emma P. Matteson, he began farming, on which place he lived thereafter. To them were born four children, Hiram, who died in infancy, William, who died several years ago, and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Parker of Mt. Upton, and Mrs. Irene Parker of Garrattsville.
Mr. Pudney was twice married. Twenty-six years ago he married Miss Cora Backus of Pittsfield, who has been his companion and helper ever since.
The funeral service was held from his late home Wednesday at 1 p. m.
Rev. C. E. Vermilya officiated in the absence of the Baptist pastor, deceased being a member of the Baptist church at New Berlin.
Interment was made in the Hillington cemetery. A large number of relatives from out of town were present for the service.

Mrs. Parker's Father Dies

Mrs. Elijah Parker was called to Morris Sunday by the death of her father, Andrew Pudney. The funeral was held today. (August 24, 1932)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Southworth, Mary 1864-1932 New Lisbon Obituary

Southworth, Mary 1864-1932 New Lisbon Obituary

Mrs. Mary Southworth Dies in New Lisbon

Demise on Wednesday—
Funeral Friday last at Her Late Home

New Lisbon, Aug. 30---The community was greatly shocked on Wednesday last when it became known that Mrs. Mary Southworth, widow of Charles Southworth, had passed away after a brief illness from hemorrhage of the brain.
Mary Vonah was born in Switzerland, July 25, 1864, a daughter of Dr. John Vonah. When a girl of 15 years of age she came to America, locating at Utica, where she lived for some time. Later she became a resident of Morris. She was twice married, her first husband being Berton Collier of that place, where she continued to reside. One son, Lewis, was born to them. In 1904 she married Charles Southworth of New Lisbon, that place being their home thereafter. Mr. Southworth died last November.
She was a devoted member of Zion Episcopal church at Morris, a woman with many friends. She was noted for her faithfulness of devoted loyalty to church, family and friends. She was also a member of the St. Paul's guild and Ever Ready club, always taking an active interest in both societies, and will be greatly missed by all in the community where she long resided.
Her only surviving relative in this country is the one son, Lewis Collier.
The funeral was held at her late home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. E. E. Hutchinson of Morris having charge of the services.
The floral tributes were many and beautiful—the pieces given by family and friends; there was one beside from St. Paul's guild and Ever Ready club.
The bearers were Erle Smith, Levi George, Frank Duroe and Ernst Thurston.
Interment was beside her first husband in Hillington cemetery at Morris.

Mrs. Southworth Dies

New Lisbon, Aug. 25---Mrs. Mary Southworth, 68, widow of Charles Southworth, died at her home at New Lisbon at 6:35 a. m. Wednesday. The funeral will be held at her late home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. E. E. Hutchinson will have charge of the services. Interment will be made beside her late husband in the church cemetery near Morris.

Comment: The date of her death was August 24, 1932.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Please have a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July.  We can be so grateful to all that came before us that fought for our independence.  That included men, women, and children.  In studying their lives and era, it multiplies my gratitude many times knowing all they endured.  Regards, Donna

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tobey, Henry 1867-1931 Morris death notice

Tobey, Henry 1867-1931 Morris death notice

Henry Tobey Dies

Henry Tobey, 64 years old, died at his home at 12 o'clock last night in Morris. A further obituary will appear in Wednesday's issue of The Star.

Funeral of Henry Tobey to
Be Held on Friday at Morris

Funeral services for Henry A. Tobey of Morris, whose death was briefly mentioned in Tuesday's issue of The Star, will be held at his late home in that village on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in the Hillington cemetery.
Mr. Tobey was born January 25, 1865, at West Davenport, the son of Levi and Ruth Light Tobey. When he was 14 years old his parents moved to Morris and he has always resided there since. On October 26, 1890, he was untied in marriage to Ada May Lull, who died last June.
He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Quackenbush, who resided with him and Mrs. Sarah Wellman of Sheldon, Iowa; a nephew, H. L. Wellman of Denver, Col., and three nieces, Mrs. A. C. Lewis of Oneonta, Mrs. Hobart Bennington of Hartwick and Mrs. Mabel Pierce of Morris.

VanBuren, Margaret Cornell 1905-1932 Oneonta Obituary

VanBuren, Margaret Cornell 1905-1932 Oneonta Obituary

Mrs. Lyal VanBuren Dies
At Fox Memorial Hospital

Popular Young Oneontan Victim of Acute Bright's Disease
Funeral services Saturday Afternoon

Mrs. Lyal K. VanBuren of 12 Richmond avenue, a popular young Oneontan, died at the Fox hospital yesterday morning shortly before 9 o'clock of acute Bright's disease after having been a patient there for about five weeks.
Funeral services will be held from the family home Saturday afternoon, her pastor, Rev. George H. Phillips of the first Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Plains cemetery.
Margaret Cornell was born May 14, 1905, at Sidney Center, the daughter of Dr. Sanders Cornell, who died in 1912, and Lillian (Snyder) Cornell, and lived there until about 1917 when she came to Oneonta. She attended Oneonta High school, graduating in the class of 1924, and also attended summer school sessions at the Oneonta Normal school, teaching at Castleton for a short time before her marriage. She became the wife of Lyal K. VanBuren December 29, 1924.
Mrs. VanBuren was an attractive and esteemed young woman, and one of the most active young women members of the first Methodist church.
The sympathy of wide circles of friends will be extended to the family; the husband; the mother, Mrs. Charles H. Hoffman of 34 River street; a grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Snyder of Masonville; one daughter, Eleanor Beverley; one aunt, Mrs. H. T. Walker of Masonville, and four uncles, Bertrand Roberts of Hartwick, Bert Hubbell of Middlefield, Frank Mulkins of Cooperstown, and William Snyder of Masonville.

Funeral  of  Mrs.  Lyal  K.  VanBuren

Largely attended funeral services for Mrs. Lyal K. VanBuren, whose death Wednesday was noticed in The Star of Thursday, were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 12 Richmond avenue,  Rev. George H. Phillips, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.  Burial was made in the Plains cemetery.
The bearers were Tracy Bard,  Walter Dunbar,  Dr. John Jansen,  R. Milton Hick,  Francis Wilson and Hayden Davis.  Among the many floral tributes, in addition to many sent by relatives and friends,  were pieces from the following organizations:  Kiwanis club, Aerle of Eagles, Division Five of the First Methodist Ladies: Aid society,  Dr. Dann's Methodist Sunday school class,  Oneonta Retail Grocers,  Claude L. Champlin Players, and six pieces from various groups of neighbors.
Among those attending the service were:  Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dunn and Mrs. Frank Mulkins of Cooperstown;  Mert Hubbell of Middlefield;  William Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walker of Masonville;  Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Roberts of Hartwick;  Walter Graig of Gilbertsville;  Mr. and Mrs. William Hotaling of Mt. Vision;  Miss Lucy Ingalls and Mrs. Bert Bowman and daughter,  Miss Dorothy, of Sidney Center,  and Mrs. Jay Simpson of Sidney.