Saturday, April 7, 2012

Van Pelt, Bert wed to Rosie Pauline Hickling 1909

Van Pelt, Bert to Rosie Pauline Hickling Sept. 14, 1909


Van Pelt—Hicklling

A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of George Hickling, in New Lisbon, September fourteenth, when Rosie Pauline was united in marriage to Bert Louis Van Pelt.
The bride was dressed in white muslin with trimmings of Mexican drawn work and she carried white sweet peas. The groom wore a suit of dark blue. They were attended by the bride's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hickling.
The house was decorated in golden rod and running pine. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Button and son, Mrs. Louis Dingman and Nellie Davis, Mrs. and Mrs. Merton Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Van Pelt and two children, Misses Harriet and Ada Bundy and Stephen Bundy.
The bride received many beautiful and useful gifts from her friends and relatives.
They started amid a shower of rice to visit relatives in Syracuse and attend the State Fair. They have the heartiest congratulations and best wishes of all.

Thank you to the Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown, Otsego, New York, 17 Sep 1909 for this marriage notice.

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