George W. 1869-
W. Sprague
Morris, Oct. 31---George W. Sprague, prominent
citizen of Grove street, brief mention of whose death was made in
Wednesday's Star, was the only child of Charles and Sarah (Jenks)
Sprague. He was born, September 21, 1869, in the town of Burlington
on the Sprague homestead, where he spent his early boyhood.
When ready to enter High school, his father,
Charles Sprague, came to Morris and purchased the property on Grove
street, which has been in possession of the family since that time.
There he and his parents resided until his graduation from the Morris
High school in 1890, when they returned to their Burlington farm.
On May 11, 1892, Mr. Sprague married Miss Myrtle
Chase of Pittsfield. To them were born, two children, Mrs. Florence
Lennox of Delhi and C. Ora Sprague of Morris. In 1916, ill health
caused Mr. Sprague to give up intensive farming. He again came to
occupy his Morris property, where he spent the remainder of his life.
The deceased had long been intimately associated with
the organization of the Republican party in the town and county, had
been for many years a member of the Republican County committee and
had held numerous town offices. He was president of the board of
Education for a number of years; justice of the peace for a long
period and at the time of his death was secretary of the local
Dairymen's league.
Mr. Sprague had many friends, both old and young, all
of whom extend sincere sympathy.
The funeral services, conducted by Rev. F. G. Leonard
of the Universalist church of which the deceased had long been a
member, will be held at the family home on Grove street Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the family plot in the
new part of Hillington cemetery.
Immediate surviving relatives are the wife and two
children; three step-grandchildren; Richard, Donald and Robert
Campfield, and several cousins.
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