Saturday, April 7, 2012

Talbut, Dr. Blaine I. 1887-1954 Cooperstown Obituary

Talbut, Dr. Blaine I. 1887-1954

Services Held

Cooperstown---The burial of Dr. Blaine I Talbut, Otsego County native who for more than 30 years was a prominent dentist in Ohio, took place Sunday in Hartwick Cemetery.
He was 66 years old April 8, 1954, when he died of cancer at his home in Whitehouse, Ohio.
Among the survivors are his mother, Mrs. Mary Talbut, and sister, Mrs. George M. Augur, both of Hartwick. He was a frequent visitor in Cooperstown and vicinity.
Dr. Talbut was graduated from the old Cincininnati College of Dental Surgery in 1912. His brother Benjamin, was graduated from the same school at the same time.
He enlisted in the Army Medical Corps in World War 1 and was wounded during the fighting at St. Mihiel. In 1921, he opened a dental office in Toledo.
After taking up residence in Whitehouse in 1936, he served on the Village Council of which he was a member at the time of his death.
A nationally known sportsman, he was president emeritus of the National Crow Club Association. At one time he owned several prize hunting dogs one of which was valued at $5,000. He had won numerous field trial trophies.
He was a member of the Maumee Elks Club, the Whitehouse Post, American Legion, and of the Congregational Christian Church of Hartwick.
Following the services in Ohio, the body was brought to Hartwick for the burial. En route the cortege was halted in Leonardsville so that Dr. Talbut's mother, now 93 years old, could attend private rites.

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