Sunday, April 8, 2012

Morehouse, Mrs. Ella Benjamin 1859-1932 Edmeston Funeral

Morehouse, Mrs. Ella Benjamin--Funeral 1859-1932

Hold Funeral Services For Edmeston Resident
Last Rites Given Mrs. Ella Benjamin Morehouse
Who Died Suddenly at Niece's Home in
Bridgeport, Conn.

Edmeston, May 13 (Special) ---Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Benjamin Morehouse, widow of the late Allan C. Morehouse, were held yesterday afternoon at her home here, Rev. Hutchinson, pastor of the Zion church of Morris, officiated. Interment was in Union cemetery. Mrs. Morehouse died suddenly of heart trouble at the home of her niece, Miss Ella Morehouse, in Bridgeport, Conn., Thursday.
Born in New Lisbon in 1859, Mrs. Morehouse spent her early life in Hartwick and near Lena. She married Mr. Morehouse in 1872, and lived on a farm near Lena until moving to this village in 1893, where she since has resided. Her husband died December 6, 1927. Miss Morehouse and a distant cousin, Mrs. Ellen Deval of Gambrier, Ohio, are the only survivors.
Mrs. Morehouse was a charter member of the Order of the Eastern Star, a past matron, and for several years was chaplain. The members of the organization attended the funeral in a body. Many floral tributes attested to the esteem in which the deceased was held.
Those attending the services from out of town were Lester Morehouse and family, John Morehouse, Mrs. Carey Bradley, Mrs. Myrtle Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrinton, Mrs. George Wicks and daughter, Mrs. Bert Wayman of Hartwick; Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds of New Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs. George Morehouse, Mrs. Tina Potter, Mrs. Henry Shove and Mrs. Kendall Dunn of Oneonta; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morehouse of Garrattsville; and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of Mount Vision.

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