Hutchinson, Rev. E. E. 1871-1933
Morris Obituary
It is with deep regret that we record the passing of
the Rev. E. E. Hutchinson
the beloved rector of Zion church at Morris. Father
Hutchinson was taken ill on Friday last and passed away in the early
hours of Monday morning. Almost 15 years ago he became rector of
Morris, coming there from the village of Brushton, New York. He was
born in Wyoming, N. Y., in 1871, and married Miss Josephine Lewis of
Troy, N. Y., in 1899. He was ordained Deacon in 1915, and advanced
to the Priesthood in 1916. He is survived by his widow and a son and
His interest and love in the parish of Morris and
surrounding villages has been a great work; a friend of all, a man
of sterling character, one with a true sense of humour, a personality
which one rarely meets, a faithful pastor and priest.
At the Garden Club, the School Board, the Library, to
say nothing of the huge parish, his help was always freely given, and
his place will be hard to fill. In the home and among his intimate
friends, was where you saw the real christian in the trues sense of
the word, a saintly man.
For many years Fr. Hutchinson has been one of the
Lenten preachers at Saint Paul's church, Sidney. He helped to form
the Garden Club, and only a very short time ago, addressed the Sidney
Exchange Club.
The burial took place on Wednesday, preceded by the
Order of burial of the Dead, in Zion church, Morris, at 2:00 p. m.
The Right Reverend G. Ashton Oldham, D. D., Bishop of Albany,
officiated. To the bereaved family we extend our sincere sympathy.
A floral tribute was sent by the members of the Sidney Garden Club.
Find A Grave Memorial for Rev. E. E. Hutchinson
Find A Grave Memorial for Rev. E. E. Hutchinson
Rev. Elmore Edward Hutchinson died March 8, 1933. His
son was Marshall Hoyt Hutchinson. Marshall died in 1969 and is buried at
Hillington along with his wife.
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