Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tyson, Wayne L. engaged to Elizabeth Gregory, Unadilla Couple About 1935

Tyson, Wayne L. engaged to Elizabeth Gregory, Unadilla Couple About 1935

Announce Engagement of
Prominent Unadilla Couple

Miss Elizabeth Gregory to Become
Bride of Attorney Wayne L. Tyson

Unadilla, March 24---Mr. And Mrs. M. D. Gregory of Unadilla announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Wayne L. Tyson, son of Mr.s. Tyson and the late Frank M. Tyson of Unadilla, at an informal buffet supper Saturday evening at the Gregory home.
Among the guests were Miss Mary Curtis of Bridgeport, Conn.; Miss Katherine Janzt of Albany, Miss Barbara Griswold of Hartford, Conn.; Miss Elizabeth Anne Blauvelt of Paterson, N. J.; the Misses Marian Shearer, Henrietta Getman, Elsie Beck of Oneonta, Edgar H. Bleckwell of Fairfield,Conn.; Albert Loomis of New York city, Theodore P. Fuery of Cooperstown, Albert Farone and Earle Edwards of Oneonta, Maurice Bridges of Morris, Mr. and Mrs. John Raner, Carbonadale, Pa.; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brady of Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goldsmith of Oneonta, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, and Mrs. Frank M. Tyson of Unadilla.
Miss Gregory, a graduate of the National Cathedral school for girls in Washington, D. C., is a senior of Wells college, Aurora. Mr. Tyson attended Wesleyan college, where he was a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He is a graduate of the Brooklyn Law school of St. Lawrence university.

Elizabeth Gregory Honored at Washington Jr. College 1931 

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