Slack, Rose 1869-1935 Cooperstown
Resident Passes Away
Cooperstown, Jan. 21---Miss Rose Slack, 65,
practically a life-time and highly respected resident of this
village, died this morning at 3:25 o'clock in the Hollis home at 21
Walnut street, where she had been cared for since last May. Death
resulted from a paralytic shock, which she suffered December 27. She
had been an invalid for five years, following a fall on Main street
in which she sustained a fractured hip.
The body was removed to the Griffith Funeral home on
Pioneer street, where friends may call until the funeral Wednesday
morning at 9:30 o'clock in the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, of
which she was a devout communicant. The requiem high mass will be
conducted by Rev. Fr. Vincent P. Archambault, pastor of the local
parish, Rev. Fr. Francis X. King of this village, and Rev. Fr.
William D. Noonan of Oneonta. Interment will be in the family plot
in the old St. Mary's cemetery here.
Miss Slack was a native of Clarksville, and was born
April 12, 1869, the daughter of the late James and Katherine
(McManus) Slack. She came here in infancy. Until injured she was
employed for several years in the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
C. Clark and previous to that as a waitress at the old Hoffman house
and the present Fenimore hotel.
Surviving are a half-sister, Mrs. Kathryn Slack of
Binghamton, and a half-brother, Frank Reilly, of Milford. There also
remain several first cousins, including School Superintendent John B.
McManus, Phillips McManus and the Misses Mary, Margaret and Cecelia
McManus, all of this village.
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